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Cosplayer Ammie > Costume of Evangeline Millicent Featherstone (Original: Steampunk)

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Original: Steampunk
Evangeline Millicent Featherstone
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The corset was made of heavy weight tweed. Instead of using boning I used industrial zip ties. The zip ties create a very structured feel to the corset. It has grommets up the back and is laced with a navy ribbon. The lining inside is navy (to match the overall look of the costume.)

The shrug is made of some dark blue/navy rayon fabric. It is lined with the same navy lining I used for the corset. I decorated it with some antique chains and a small metal closure at the neck. I used eyelet ruffle trim for the cuffs.

Front Drape
The front drape is the same fabric as the shrug. It gathers into the sides of a skirt that laces in the back. The same eyelet trim used for the shrug was used on the bottom of the drape.

Bustle and Bustle Pillow
The back skirt is made of a heavy twill fabric in navy. It wasn't cut; it is a rectangular shape that I bustled with twill tape on the inside. It is lined with grey fabric and trimmed along the bottom with the same eyelet trim as the shrug and drape. It ties on around the waist.
The bustle pillow is made of the grey fabric and stuffed with scraps of other fabric. It ties onto the waist with a ribbon.

The mini top hat was made of black velvet. It has a strip of black tulle tied around and streaming off the back. It is decorated with various antiqued metal trinkets. It clips into the wig.

The gloves were made with wide lace trim. They lace at the sides.

They were created with white micro suede. The have black ribbon lacing up the back (for décor only.) Buttons run down the outsides of the spats, underneath is hidden zippers for ease of getting in and out of. They are lined with white lining.

The cane was constructed of a wooden dowel, antiqued spiral curtain rod topper and various antiqued trinkets and black lace. The dowel was painted brown. The bottom of the cane has a chair slider.
Personal Thoughts:
I have wanted to make a Steampunk outfit for a long while now; the perfect opportunity came when I was clearing out some of my fabric storage bins.
This costume was designed, hand drafted and made by me. I chose colors that worked well together and just went with the flow in creating this outfit. I do like to stay historically accurate with costumes of this nature. The only use of zippers was in the spats (for ease of getting into and taking them off.)
The only thing that was bought for this costume was the wig.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Original Color:
Ash Blonde
Styling Time
Wig Quality Rating
5 / 5.00
Styling Notes
The wig is Arda’s Victoria wig in ash blonde. The wig is really beautiful, but appropriate storage is crucial to maintain the ringlets. I side swept the bangs and clipped the hat and glasses into the crown.
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