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Cosplayer Yukari Kaiba > Costume of Levi (Attack on Titan)

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Attack on Titan
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
FanimeCon 2014
Sakura-con 2014
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Jacket - Bekalou dyed the fabric for the group (was originally a khaki and made into a nice camel color). Denim, functioning snaps, back patch was purchased and the shoulder/pocket patches were made by our Bert.

Poncho - some kind of brushed twill, modded a capelet pattern and added a hood. Back patch was purchased.

Pants/shirt/shoes - all bought (my pants are actually Levi jeans, lol the irony)

Cravat - just a rectangle of ponte that I had in my scrap bin

Blades - collaborative effort between Bekalou & myself for the group. I sanded the blades and the handles, she did the cutting/paint/assembly.

3DMG/harness - still in progress, hoping for a Fanime debut date
Personal Thoughts:
First large group collaborative I've ever participated in! The majority of our group was in Washington, while myself and our Eren (Bekalou) was in California but we managed to keep things really organized. Bekalou took care of fabrics & the swords, while our Sasha and her uncle came up with the kits to make our gear and our Bert made the patches for the shoulder/pocket of the jackets. It was a lot of work, but I had so much fun with everyone and it was definitely worth it :)
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