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Cosplayer Goblin Girl > Costume of Queen Apailana (Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith)
- Most Recent Photo
- N/A
- Series
- Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
- Character
- Queen Apailana
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Easy
- Costume worn at:
- Comic-Con / San Diego Comic Con International 2005
- Star Wars Celebration 2007
- Star Wars Celebration 2005
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
I made this costume a few days before SW Celebration III. The fabric I FINALLY decided to use was this gold/silver metallic fabric which I found in a small fabric store in a nearby mall, so I was grateful that I found SOMETHING acceptable to use. Ofcourse, there is limited head movements when wearing a headpiece such as this one.
- Personal Thoughts:
- I feel regal in this costume 'ob~~
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