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Cosplayer Frax > Costume of Annie Leonhardt (Attack on Titan)

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Attack on Titan
Annie Leonhardt
Year Completed:
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The "buttcape" is made of a heavy cotton and gathered in the front to give it the folded look from the anime, and it also has holes cut in it for the belt loops, so it can simultaneously go underneath the belt while still allowing the belt to go through the loops of the jeans. The 3DMG harnesses were the most interesting to make, I started with a yard of upholstery leather from Joanns, cut it into long, two inch strips, hemmed them a half inch on each side to all of the belts are a solid 1", then I began to pin. I had a bit of help with the top, but mostly, I would put the belts where I wanted them, pinned them together, sewed them to one another, cut the excess belt off at the end (these were VERY long strips) then use the excess in the same way until I ran out of belt, and moved onto the next strip I made. The bottoms of the straps that go underneath the feet are actually elastic, to keep the straps tight to my legs, a problem I was having because even leather tends to stretch and loosen after a while. The grey parts are also upholstery fabric.
Personal Thoughts:
While I couldn't get the jacket done for Katsucon (those jackets are labor intensive, and the one I made was scouting legion, not military police or training corps, so I couldn't use it) it was nice to snag a few (I guess you could say informal or in-progress shots) of my Annie cosplay! I love her character, and I think ive got a big enough nose for it, maybe just not big in the right spot, but oh well.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Original Color:
Platinum Blonde
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