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Cosplayer Cricketeer > Costume of Russia / Ivan Braginski (Axis Powers Hetalia)
- Most Recent Photo
- 03-26-2014
- Series
- Axis Powers Hetalia
- Character
- Russia / Ivan Braginski
- Special Variation:
- Bloody Sunday
- Year Completed:
- 2014
- Construction Difficulty:
- Normal
This Costume has been retired
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
The coat is a dark blue polycotton and I will never work with it ever again. It was stiff to the point of making movement next to impossible, even after repeated washings and me swearing and soaking the fabric in a tub of fabric softener for five days. Never again.
You can't see my epaulets in this photo, unfortunately. But you CAN see the ones worn by my friend (as Japan), which I made. So that should give you some idea. I'll probably upload images of both sets into the props gallery.
And the ~bloody hands~ are very simply covered in a mixture of black, brown, and red paint. (And yes I sealed it. I'm not irresponsible!) - Personal Thoughts:
- THIS COSTUME...I think I scared a lot of children with it, haha. This one was also an adventure, as I learnt quite a lot of things to pull it off right (or as right as I could). It marked another point in my journey as a seamstress and I learnt a LOT.
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