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Cosplayer MisotoSoup > Costume of Tharja (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

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Fire Emblem: Awakening
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
New York Comic Con 2013
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Cape is a half circle skirt made out of navy shiny milliskin and burgundy stretch ity, it's not long enough and I'm kinda iffy about that. The gold is stretch vinyl, and for the back straps, the triangles are stacked craft foam and covered with the same vinyl. The tassels are straightened gold braids. It's attached to the cape via hook and eyes!

The loincloth thing is made out of the same milliskin spandex, and the crotch armor is also stacked foam covered in gold vinyl. It was my first time doing that method so it came out a little wonky.

The neckpiece was also gold vinyl, though I probably should have lined it with something else because if I sweat, it gets really hot and ew. It closes with a zipper in the back.

The headpiece is also foam covered in vinyl and attached using bobby pins that are liquid cemented onto the backside. The body suit is two pieces, just a normal pantyhouse for my legs and for the top I spliced two pantyhose pieces together to make a 'shirt'. It's really not big enough for me though so I 'm going to make another one soon.

Nosferatu is made using the M (M for magic yeahh) encyclopedia I have from a set of encyclopedias I had when I was a babby, covered in purple fabric, added book corners my friend found and had a bunch of, so she gave some to me to use! The clips on the binding is just vinyl wrapped foam sheets and hot glued directly on to the cover. The triangle and word details are heat n bonded on.

Boobs courtesy of a push-up bra and makeup!
Personal Thoughts:
Tharja is so creepy and hot ahh

Gonna remake the cape and bodysuit
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
100cm Long
Original Color:
Styling Time
Wig Quality Rating
4 / 5.00
Wig Review
I originally had a purple wig for this, but I sharpied it to make it darker but then sharpie was just EVERYWHERE and wiped off on everything so i was like shit, and just used my black wig.
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