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Cosplayer Fancy_Duckie > Costume of Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica)

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Madoka Magica
Madoka Kaname
Special Variation:
Magical Girl
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Very Difficult
This was made as a commission for someone else

Costume worn at:
Anime Boston 2014
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
This is probably one of the hardest costumes I've made to date, and that's with tons of help from Alex. The bows for her hair and skirt are made from leftover casa satin scraps from other cosplays, I sewed them into rectangles, squished them in the middle, and then used some ribbon to hold them together/act as the "knot". We did cast a Soul Gem for her out of resin, however, she left it in her boyfriend's hotel room, so we didn't get photos with it, unfortunately.

The bodice we used a princess halloween costume pattern for, and like the idiots we are, extended it straight from the waist (where the pattern ended) to her hips... without remembering that hips do their hippy thing. So we inserted gussets on each side so that she can actually fit into the bodice. The bodice and the petal skirt are both made from cotton. The white line down the bodice front is bias tape, and we purchased some tiny lace for the sides and the top. Then we sewed on straps (which still need some tweaking), and then the sleeves (the ugly side of casa satin), which were made extra big so they could be pleated at the tops and bottoms. Then, I hemmed two small widths of casa satin, and then ruffled them on the machine, then attached them to the raw edges of the sleeves. Alex tied pieces of ribbon around her sleeves and gloves, but a couple of these fell off and were lost before our shoot. For the heart cutout in the back, we just cut it out, and then fray checked it. Unfortunately, the keyhole is right on the back of Alex's bra, so we just cut out a square of the flesh-toned liner from our Sailor Moon bodysuits and fabric glued it on there to hide it.

Alex patterned out the petal skirt by figuring out how many petals Madoka has and dividing her not-quite-hip measurement by that to figure out how wide they would have to be. She then cut out that number of petals out of paper, stapled them together, and then cut them out in a strip, and had me sew a seam up the last two. These were then trimmed in bias tape. We're planning on adding teardrop shaped rhinestones for the next convention since we could not find ANY in stores.

For the underskirt, we just cut out a super wide circle skirt out of white casa satin, hand pleated it and sewed it to an elastic waistband at the top, and then added a ruffle at the bottom.

For the petticoat, we more or less followed RuffleButt's tutorial, but we only used 7 layers and not 14 due to time and budget constraints. What we did find was that casa satin ruffles significantly more easily than actual ribbon, so we might substitute that for the next petticoat we make to add volume to the current one.
Personal Thoughts:
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Original Color:
Bubblegum Pink
Styling Time
5 seconds
Wig Quality Rating
5 / 5.00
Styling Notes
Put wig on head. Put bows on pigtails. Congrazzles, you are now Meguca.
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