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Cosplayer Tentacat > Costume of Artina (Disgaea 4)

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Disgaea 4
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Animeland Wasabi 2014
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I tried to use Ichigo Kitty as an example for creating my Artina cosplay, so the ends of the white parts of the costume have a lettuce hem. The front and back pieces have interfacing in them of hopes that it would help keep them a bit more rigid and not flopping all over. The wings are felt stuffed with polyfill and wires inside. They're a bit too low, but they work for now.

The shoes were originally cut and spray painted with white craft foam wings hot glued on. However, the paint cracked like nobody's business and I did a quick last minute making of boot covers before ALW 2014.

The wig was two Neko wigs from eBay that I combined, then used some extra pink wefts and glued/sewed them for her front hair dangly things. The hair pieces are made of craft foam, mod podge, spray paint, and acrylic paint. The heart shape at the base of the ponytail is a stuffed heart I sewed and glued wefts to. The back was braided, but tugged at the sides in hopes it would make it look like it has more volume and thickness. The first time I styled it, I parted it incorrectly in the front. But, I attempted to style it again for ALW and it looks a bit better.

My feather whip was literally just some feathers hot glued together.
Personal Thoughts:
I thought this would be a fairly quick costume, but I was quite mistaken. It felt good to have finished it and cosplayed with friends though!
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