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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Ceriene > Costume of Vriska Serket (MS Paint Adventures / Homestuck)
- Most Recent Photo
- 02-22-2014
- Series
- MS Paint Adventures / Homestuck
- Character
- Vriska Serket
- Special Variation:
- Prospit Dreamer
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Normal
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
Made out of Buttercup Casa Satin and lace, found at Joann's Fabrics. The waist cincher was my first experience boning any kind of garment, and was made of canvas and crepe-back satin. Crown was made of craft-foam that was then sealed and painted, with flat-backed glass cabochon gems that were painted and glued onto it.
- Personal Thoughts:
- A fun costume to wear, since it was a good deal fancier than Vriska's default outfit of jeans and a t-shirt. By this point in time, I had about a year's worth of bodypaint experience thanks to a prolonged interest in cosplay the trolls from Homestuck, so the process of painting myself grey was much less daunting, even with the dress and accessories.
Wig Details
- Wig Brand
- Lucaille
- Wig Name
- 100cm Long
- Wig Quality Rating
- 3 / 5.00
- Wig Review
- Decent quality and thickness, nothing spectacular. The lifespan of long curly wigs however is short, due to how easily they tangle.
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