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Cosplayer NyxiaNitro > Costume of Ariel (Little Mermaid)

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Little Mermaid
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
My sister likened this costume to a boss-fight, and boy was she right! While I knew that in theory I could make the outfit, I was really anxious through the construction of this piece. It's made and worn in layers.

The leotard was made with Kwik Sew #2797 and powernet. I gotta say I really love how the color looks. The skirt and front panel are made with Simplicity #1910 and suiting material.

The shells are from ebay and were painted & diamante'd by hand. They were then glued to the front panel. That then attaches to the leo with snaps & willpower. The skirt has over a thousand hand strung beads which were tacked down carefully. The skirt (which weighs a ton) is supported by 2 ballerina tutus. The stockings and garters were hand dyed with Idye Poly brand. Unfortunately I can't remember where the shoes were from, I spent a lot of time relying on Google-Fu.
Personal Thoughts:
This costume was inspired by a wonderful piece of fanart where several Disney princesses were transformed into burlesque style performers. I challenged my sister that if she did a character, I would too. New life rule... never challenge your sister on anything cosplay related.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Original Color:
Apple Red
Styling Time
Wig Quality Rating
3 / 5.00
Styling Notes
The Claudia wig has some truly beautiful curls and it hurt to straighten them, but they had to go. I used Katie Bair's hot water method (had to do it twice to get all the curl out).
Wig Review
Arda makes their wigs slightly larger than I prefer, so I did everything I could to take in the extra give. Turns out I took too much, so it became a vise. I'll have to play with it in the future and see if I can find a happy medium.
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