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Cosplayer Lulu Miyazawa > Costume of Umi Sonoda (Love Live!)

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Love Live!
Umi Sonoda
Special Variation:
No brand girls
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Costume worn at:
Salón del Manga 2013
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Umi's NBG outfit looked simpler than, say, Pink Diamond Chihaya, but in the end it actually had quite a few little details (that almost made me die because my sewing machine decided to break the day before the con and yeah, I left those for last :_D). All the fabrics and materials were bought by all the group to match after much pondering about the black one: skirt are two circle ones slightly pleated and joined by the same waistband. The black top is more or less self-explanatory and wasn't very difficult. Undershirt was modified to fit and ruffles were added.

The boots were also bought by the girls so that we could wear the same ones, and they also painted gold the details on them and my moon earrings. The rest of the details were the socks (added an elastic strip with a ribbon that refused to keep itself in place), the belt (wrapped with the same blue fabric) and moon clasp (made of craft foam), gloves (shortened and added a lettuce hem), the double white-blue shawl and the little top hat with a ribbon.
Personal Thoughts:
It took much effort to be brave enough to accept cosplaying in a group of lovely girls (much younger than me) that wanted to dance on stage, as that was one of the things I never did (but dreamed about doing), but I regret nothing. Dancing No brand girls in the biggest convention of my country with my sweet muses was one of my best cosplaying experiences up to date! Although I became a Love Live! School Idol Project fan because of the anime (I just knew there were singles before but didn't go too much into them), it's a really enjoyable series, specially if you're into idol anime like I am :P

You can watch our performance and see this queen of slow movements trying to dance here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf0O4twZ5R4
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
Original Color:
Dark Blue Grey
Styling Time
10 minutes
Wig Quality Rating
5 / 5.00
Styling Notes
I decided to use this wig for Umi instead of Chihaya because I felt Umi's blue was less intense.
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