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Cosplayer Vikki > Costume of Mondo Oowada (Dangan Ronpa)

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Dangan Ronpa
Mondo Oowada
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Best Journeyman costume, Anime USA 2013
Costume worn at:
Anime USA 2013
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The jacket was built off the Persona 4 jacket pattern and fully lined; the collar is interfaced with craft foam to make it stand up stiffly. I spent about 20 hours freehand painting with puffy paints and acrylics to recreate the old man on the front right panel, the dragon on the right sleeve, and the Crazy Diamonds logo on the back. The text down his back was difficult to find references for, but once I acquired them I blocked the text out and used calligraphy freehand to paint the text as well.

The belt was carved from insulation foam, mod-podged, guesso-ed, and painted, then glued to a belt buckle.

The pants were also hand-constructed and held to the legs with elastic.

Bless NYC, home of the white loafers, where I found them for $15.
Personal Thoughts:
I literally cannot recall what made me decide to cosplay Mondo, but when I realized just how much work would have to go into his outfit I was a little stunned, haha. But it was absolutely worth it, the response was overwhelming, and I am extremely happy!
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Vanessa Grey Hair
Wig Name
Shoulder Length
Original Color:
Styling Time
10 hours
Wig Quality Rating
2 / 5.00
Styling Notes
I took insulation foam and cut it into a teardrop shape, then hollowed out a bowl that fit over my head. I painted the foam to the same color as the hair going over it, then I laid loose hair (read: not wefted) over the insulation foam and hot-glued it down and hairsprayed a bunch until there was enough hair throughout the wig. The foam was then sewed down onto the black base wig, and black wefts were added to the back of the wig to create the mullet look.
Wig Review
The base wig was pretty thin. I want to remake the whole thing so that it will actually be more like a pompadour.
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