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Cosplayer natsuha > Costume of Kanna Sakyonosuke (Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto)

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Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
Kanna Sakyonosuke
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Japan Expo USA 2013
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
It was my first time making such a big coat, even though I'd done blazers before; the pattern was from a "prince coat" pattern from some obscure edition of cosmode I borrowed from a friend and altered heavily; including all the buttons on the coat and vest, this baby took 23 buttons... I was never happier to have an automatic buttonhole function on my machine (lol).

The shirt kinda did worry me since I hate ruffling, but box pleating them was actually not so bad (compared to just pulling/gathering them)! But I'm not gonna go out of my way to make ruffles anytime soon.

Overall: coat, vest, shirt, and eyepatch were made by me and the pants and boots were lucky finds from online sales. The pistols are toy guns bought online and painted to hell.
Personal Thoughts:
Made for Japan Expo 2013 because Kozaki Yuusuke was a guest of honor! This was pretty much a dream-come-true group because I'd wanted to do this series since waaaaay back when I was a young'un, and it finally happened (about 5-6 years later). o/
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