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Cosplayer rajamitsu > Costume of Dalian (Mystic Archives of Dantalian)

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Mystic Archives of Dantalian
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Costume made by
Ohayocon 2014 - Best in Show
Costume worn at:
Ikasucon 2013
OhayoCon 2014
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
My husband did all the sewing work and I did the wig and props.

The tiara is Sculpy and a cheap headband.

The choker part is clear PVC pipe painted on the inside. The rest of the necklace is made from Scupley. It's only been out for a test run and the necklace bits need work. Badly. I'll update here when it's fixed.
Extra Costume Details by Samaru
The skirt is built on a hoop frame which was based on Truly Victorian's walking cage crenoline. The cage was modified to increase the final diameter of the skirt. The cage contains seven steel hoops with a bag bottom.

The skirts are made up of four layers. The first layer is a plain cotton petticoat that is made of a fabric tube gathered in the top to create the waistband. The second layer is a paneled skirt made of white sateen with ruffles attached on the bottom. The third layer is a black paneled skirt with ruffles attached as well. The fourth layer is a shortened version of the third layer that has been pulled up in front to form the overskirt.

The top is based on a McCalls top pattern where the neckline has been altered and the sleeves are custom drafted leg of mutton sleeves.

The corset is based on Laughing Moon's Dore pattern which was shortened to reflect the reference art.
Personal Thoughts:
So heavy, so many layers, but TOTALLY worth it! It was a lot of fun going around and feeling like a princess. Gotta get used to the radius, though. Pillars and plants were my enemy.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Original Color:
Dark Purple (023)
Styling Time
Didn't keep track. A good few hours.
Wig Quality Rating
5 / 5.00
Styling Notes
I used the Ferrari as a base, then dismantled a Long Curly Clip in the same color to add length. The harvested wrfts were sewn directly onto the Ferrari. Finally, I trimmed up the bangs and hair that rests on the shoulder and it was good to go.
Wig Review
This was my first time sewing in wefts. Much was learned and many tears were shed.

However, the quality is great. It wasn't as heavy as I'd feared and once the wefts were in, it looked great.
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