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Cosplayer SkywingKnights > Costume of Frau (07-Ghost)

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Special Variation:
Possessed Version
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Otakon 2011
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Essentially, I used most of my casual version of Frau. The differences though were that I used a black wig instead of a blonde one, had cat-eye contacts in, freakishly long and sharp black nails, and a giant wing growing out of my back (so much fun!). The wig was styled by me and I also painted and shaped the black nails as well.
Personal Thoughts:
I....... really need to get photos of this thing. XD This was based off of a version of Frau during a break in the Hawkzile race in the Manga.

Major thanks to Jeff for helping me with the wing. It took a bit of a beating during the con, so I have to fix it up before I do a real shoot with it. Once that happens, I'll get photos up of it as soon as possible! ^_^
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