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Cosplayer SkywingKnights > Costume of Dark (D・N・Angel)

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Special Variation:
Casual Phantom Thief
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Otakon 2010
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
While at school, I managed to make the shirt and pants, though the pants were a paaiiiiinnnnnn to make. (I don't like making pants, oh no no no no no....). And then later I had to alter them... The pants just didn't like me, but I kept working on them until they worked out! :D I had the shoes already as well as the purple contacts (which was from my Chief Ayanami cosplay), so I put them to use as well.

I went to one of my friends, Kristen, to style the wig. She's fantastic at cutting hair and I loved what she did with the wig, especially with the bangs since for a while I was wondering how I'd walk and manage to see with those things XD. But she made it work! You can find her here where she works: http://www.pratpartners.com/locations/virginia/reston-town-center/

Finally the wings... they're about 20 pounds or so and I used almost 1000 feathers for them. Making them took about a month, but I was also working on a giant scythe for my Frau cosplay at the time too, so realistically, they took about two weeks to make. They can also expand pretty far, making them about a 10 to 12 ft wing span at their farthest. The harness would slip under my shirt and hide in there, making it nearly invisible, which I liked. I seriously have to thank my step-dad, Jeff, for helping me with them over the summer though. Without his help and direction, these things wouldn't have existed and I have to thank him from the bottom of my heart for helping me with them.
Personal Thoughts:
Dark Mousy... I love Dark. He's such an awesome character. I had wanted to cosplay as him since sometime back in September of '09 and then decided to take this on in Febuary of '10.

I premiered this on the Friday of Otakon '10. Didn't get to sit much in these things, but I still had a blast. And I have to thank my friends too because I loved hanging out with them and they were great to help me out throughout the day. A lot of my photos are thanks to them as well. I also had a shoot with Katsuya Weller over that weekend as well and she is awesome for all of the photos that she got for me. <3 I'm slowly working on getting those up. Anyway, I hope you like it!
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