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Cosplayer Koholint > Costume of Sinbad (Magi Labyrinth of Magic)

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Magi Labyrinth of Magic
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
3rd place overall, Akon 2013 cosplay contest
Costume worn at:
A-Kon 2013
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The difficulty of this costume was not in the pieces, but rather in the sheer amount of items I had to both sew and make in a short period of time!
Personal Thoughts:
This is probably one of the most involved costumes I've made to date - I worked hard to make this costume as beautiful as I could! Every single piece was made from scratch by me and then fancied up from the original design, so if you glance at the photos, you can tell that there are several details that I added that are not part of Sinbad's anime/manga design.rnrnOn top of wanting to be meticulously detailed with this costume, I also was very pressed for time. So I had a little help - the wig was trimmed by my cosplay partner at the time, who also made me the bracelets out of Worbla. My sister helped me finish my sword in time, but all the other jewelry was also handmade by me.rnrnMy darling pet parrots also helped a little bit - I collect their feathers as they naturally drop them, so I made the decoration on the front of the turban out of their feathers! Only one non-parrot feather was used - one bought peacock feather.
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