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Cosplayer Tentacat > Costume of Black Lady (Sailor Moon R)

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Sailor Moon R
Black Lady
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
My step mom Tina helped out a lot with the dress and creating the pattern. The scarf/sash/whatever you want to call it, ended up extremely short. So, that'll be edited pretty soon. The gems on the long sleeve shirt were only glued fabric glued on for Wasabi since I ran out of time to sew them on. So, I lost a few gems but those can be easily replaced.

The crescent moon on my forehead was just made from Sculpey then painted with some plain black acrylic paint. I think I should try something shinier next time though. Finally, it was stuck on my forehead with some spirit gum.

The fan was a major pain in my butt, especially since I have so little experience in prop making. I checked out some Temari fan tutorials to help me make it. I had no knowledge of bolts and wood work, so I had my dad cut and bolt the fan together. The wood was spray painted pink after that. As for the fabric, I cut out a pattern I liked, then colored a moon on with a fabric marker. Since I'm made of derp, I accidentally glued everything together to find out that I put the moon on upside down. So, I tore all of the fabric off, cut more out again, and drew the moon on the correct way. After that, more gluing fabric onto the wood. I finally got it right that time too, yay!
Personal Thoughts:
I was pretty happy with how the costume came out. There are still a couple things I need to edit for it, and a few things I wish I had done differently. This was still a fun project that I made with my step mom and I actually learned a lot from this cosplay. I'm still plotting to make more props for this cosplay too.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Ayanamisatoru / greatarchy09
Wig Name
SM Black Lady
Wig Quality Rating
4 / 5.00
Wig Review
I think the color and general shape of it are quite gorgeous, but there were various things that really threw me off about it. One of the pigtails came slightly loose with the green elastic sticking out so I had to glue it back into place. The wig is very tight so it either shows too much in the back, or gradually slides back and exposes the front of my hairline. So usually I like to pull it to the front and let a bit in the back show, then just avoid photos from the back. It's still a lovely wig that I'll be glad to keep, even with all of its annoying issues.
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