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Cosplayer navigated > Costume of Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
- Most Recent Photo
- 03-31-2013
- Series
- Supernatural
- Character
- Dean Winchester
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Costume worn at:
- MegaCon 2012
About this Costume
- Personal Thoughts:
- Yet again I find myself doing stuff that every other instinct tells me I shouldn't. This was one of them.
Unfortunately for me and my roommate, the Supernatural bug bit us pretty hard, and when Megacon came around (and we weren't feeling too jazzed about wearing the Sailor Scouts in the Florida heat) we jokingly said we should cosplay Supernatural. So when we dug around our house to find costume pieces, only to come up with something entirely cohesive. Well, we thought we'd actually give it the ol' college try and do our best to do some Rule 63 some justice.
While sure, female versions of characters is something of a cop out, it was done out of love. Just like my many Rule 63 costumes before it. I love being Dean, even if it isn't really Dean.
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