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Cosplayer AuroraMarija > Costume of The Pioneer / Emily Burke (Assassin's Creed 3)

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Assassin's Creed 3
The Pioneer / Emily Burke
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Katsucon 2013
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About this Costume
Personal Thoughts:
Well, Naxul Cosplay wasn't joking when she said this took 5+ weeks.
I admittedly thought I could get it done sooner, because I don't have a job, and I started this during winter break from law school. The plan was to get all costumes for Katsu done by the time school started again. ...And then this decided to take 5 1/2 weeks. -.-

The problem is that there are so many layers to this costume, and you can't really work on the next until you finish the one beneath it since they fit together very specifically.
I also ran out of fabric for the collar at one point, and had a terrible run in with the iron burning the suede of my dress when I tried to iron folds into it. I have NEVER had that happen before, and I didn't know the different types of suede before this little endeavor, but I will definitely be buying better quality next time, so it doesn't melt and pucker. That was sooo scary. Right at the front of my dress too!!

The hardest parts of this were the physics-defying collar(which I actually contacted some friends who majored in physics about, because I wasn't sure if I was just being stupid- but no, it really isn't physically possible), the detailing on the white skirt not because it was hard but because it was tedious and time-consuming, and the boot covers which were also not hard but took a while since I had to hand sew them because dammit I like those boots and I didn't want holes in them from the machine!!

I went with the braided hair style because my hair was too heavy when loose and kept messing with the collar. And I went with the Russian style hat.

Any questions, let me know!!
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