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Cosplayer KnightArcana > Costume of Protagonist (Persona 4)

Most Recent Photo
Persona 4
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Katsucon 2013
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Okay THIS COSTUME THO. Let's talk about the 50+ hours of work that went into this thing. I used an existing pattern for a base and completely drafted the jacket from scratch, down to the last seam. All the stitching was done by hand with embroidery floss, a process which took at least 6 hours total before the lining was inserted, so as to keep the stitching from being seen on the inside of the jacket. The sleeve and waist bands are seperate pieces from the jacket, inserted into the seams after most of the garment was sewn together. The pants were modified from an existing pattern to fit and hand-embriodered in the same manner as the jackets. The patches were ironed on to fabric and patched on to the jackets. The current collar pins were cut from craft foam and painted. The shirt was cut and hemmed to the right shape and length.
Personal Thoughts:
SO MUCH attention to detail went into this costume, which I worked on in conjunction with Vikki, my Yosuke. We analyzed many references to get every detail correct, down to the different colored collar facings and how they were attached to the jackets. I have a lot of pride in how accurate these are, though there are still some details on the jackets we have to correct. These uniforms are beautifully crafted and I am so so proud of how they turned out.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
Short Flat Basic
Wig Review
Cannot wait to replaced this wig, because I am p unhappy with it at the mo. :C
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