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Cosplayer elyuu > Costume of Tenkai (Sengoku Basara 3)

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Sengoku Basara 3
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Dying the hakama was fun; it was a mix of purple and black. For the first time dying fabric, I think it turned out pretty well! The chest armor was borrowed from a friend's friend who did the costume previously, so it's actually a bit big on me.

Very fun character, but really uncomfortable to wear. The armor is really hot to be in and the mask just adds to my inability to breathe, since it was made up of a cut up party(?) mask and lot of layers of paper mache and paint. The armor was made from craft foam too, so it was super hot.
Personal Thoughts:
My friends got me into Basara, and Tenkai is just the perfect creep, haha!
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