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Cosplayer slightlysalted > Costume of Naegi Makoto (Dangan Ronpa)

Most Recent Photo
Dangan Ronpa
Naegi Makoto
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Katsucon 2013
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I dug up an old blazer that was terrible and made it into something wearible. Then I stitched a zipper onto a hoodie and put a gas mask sticker on the hood. Then I bought some shoes and spent an hour learning different ways to lace it.
Personal Thoughts:
So I read the Dangan Ronpa LP right before Katsucon at the insistence of ChibiTifa and their Dangan Ronpa group. But I really had no idea who would be in that group. So I googled "Katsucon 2013 Dangan Ronpa cosplay" and messaged everyone that showed up in that search (amazingly and not all that surprisingly, half of the people were the same people that I met in 999 cos). And somehow we ended up with an awesom anbd not so despair-inducing group!
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
Short Layered
Original Color:
Light Brown
Styling Time
2 minutes
Styling Notes
While rushing to change into cos, I pulled up a cowlick, sprayed it, and continued to run to the photoshoot.
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