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Cosplayer D. Renee (Diva Shadow) > Costume of Vanessa (Little Mermaid)

Most Recent Photo
Little Mermaid
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Anime Central 2013
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The bodice was made with a piece of my now retired Shadow Queen Peach dress and the skirt high quality polycotton broadcloth. the hooded cloak was made from black fleece with the hood lined in black satin. Honestly the dress and cape were the easy parts to make of this costume. What was a pain in my @$$ was the shell pendant for the necklace. Since I couldn't find a shell
Personal Thoughts:
It's always the easiest costumes that take the longest to complete.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
Long Curly w/ Bangs
Styling Notes
This was actually a wig I bought years ago for another cosplay that fell through and sadly had fallen into a poor state due to a careless ex friend. After gently washing it, I reset the waves with extra large barrel cold set rods and soaking it in a hot water/fabric softener solution
Wig Review
I honestly thought my poor wig was dead seeing as I brought it so many years ago and the friend...well ex friend who borrowed it returned it reeking of sweat, cigarettes, and dirt not to mention in a tangled mess.
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