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Cosplayer Kuroki > Costume of Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic)
- Most Recent Photo
- 10-28-2013
- Series
- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
- Character
- Twilight Sparkle
- Special Variation:
- Padawan Sparkle
- Year Completed:
- 2012
- Construction Difficulty:
- Normal
About this Costume
- Personal Thoughts:
- ~~All photos of this costume were taken by my boyfriend and edited by me. ~~
So this is my Padawan Sparkle costume. For those who are not Star Wars geeks, a Padawan is a Jedi in training. Which seemed like a good fit for Twilight, who would assume the role of Celestia's Padawan.
The costume was heavily based off of the Japanese inspired costuming of the Prequel Trilogy.
The main dress of the costume was constructed from a duiponi silk shower curtain. You can see that I have made the obi from the top of the curtain where the rings are, with a heavy craft interfacing for support. The top was drape pleated and features a open back with stiff tri-pleated shoulder pieces. It was really pretty on the dress form : x
The cloak has her cutie mark appliqued on the back. It has invisible hems and has been fully french seamed so that it can be reversible. The applique looks pretty awesome on the inside
The first wig was pretty simple and consists of two braids, a main one, and her Padawan braid. The Padawan braid is woven with a really pretty beaded necklace from China, to represent the purple in her hair ( since I couldn't get extensions in time. )The second wig features hand dyed purple extensions( with an actual sharpie, not a spray, because I didn't have alchohol lols.
My saber is a grab bag saber from Ultra Sabers. It was painted with pink and purple accents and has a braided black netting grip.
All in all I'm really happy with this costume. It was a blast to wear, I can't wait to bring it out again for more cons, with hopefully more ponies!
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