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Cosplayer Autumn > Costume of Chi / Chii / Elda (Chobits)

Most Recent Photo
Chi / Chii / Elda
Special Variation:
pink dress
Year Completed:
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Though i didn't make it, i watched carefully on how she made it so i could learn, and i asked lots of questions! we used costume satin (light pink) and we had a pattern for the top. she then broke it into two major parts: the top and the bottom skirt. for the poof we put a peti coat underneath. the back had Velcro and then laced up so that it would fit me a little better.
Personal Thoughts:
my friends mom made this dress in like 3 days! and the only reason why it took that long was because i couldn't get the materials to her fast enough! haha but i loved this cosplay. i got black contacts and bought some ears that came out perfect in photos! I'm happy with how it turned out :)
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
Long Basic w/ Bangs
Original Color:
Styling Time
5 min
Wig Quality Rating
4 / 5.00
Styling Notes
pretty much picked up a comb, sprayed it with hairspray and went over the bangs. otherwise none.
Wig Review
it was a little long and heavy but it worked and looked great in my opinion. i had to cut the bangs though, which was kind of a pain
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