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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Niho > Costume of Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Most Recent Photo
- N/A
- Series
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Character
- Riza Hawkeye
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- N/A
- Costume worn at:
- Anime Expo 2004
- Anime Weekend Atlanta 2005
- FanimeCon 2004
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
I count this as my first "real" costume, as in, I made all of it. Every stitch, every bit of heat-and-bonded trim. XD;; Seriously, this was a decent amount of work. I patterned the whole thing from scratch, and I hadn't done any of the involved components before, like, say, sleeves or pants. @_@ It was a good learning experience. Including Black Hayate, I spent $60 on Riza~ I absolutely adore Riza. And her puppy. ♥ Worn at Fanime04, AX04, and AWA04. In pieces now. D= Probably retired.
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