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Cosplayer Rinny > Costume of Hope Estheim (Final Fantasy XIII)

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Final Fantasy XIII
Hope Estheim
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Costume worn at:
A-Kon 2012
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I work a 9-5 job Monday-Friday and my weekends are dedicated to finishing the last little tidbits of my house. What little free time I had, Zac would come over and we'd grind out as much of the costume as we could, as far as total hours spent I'd say it was about a full two days, maybe three, but that spanned over a two week period.
Zac paid for all of the materials himself and I helped him pick them out. This was the first time I've made pants myself. That was not a fun adventure.
While the shirt and cape were fairly easy to make (mainly because I wasn't working alone - two heads are better than one), I had a lot of trouble with the pants. I'm self-taught on the sewing machine, and only been using one since last year. I had a tough time making the pants and was very happy when they were finished. The only thing I don't like is the ribbed fabric on the bottom that I dyed turned out darker than the pants. That was a stupid error on my part. I want to fix it and plan to. I'd say overall this costume was kind of hard for me because I was doing a lot of new things I'd never done before. Like altering a zipper and making it still functional for the jacket, and the pants.
Personal Thoughts:
I made this costume for my friend Zac. We really made it together, Zac cut out the patterns while I sewed, I directed him in things to work on, he drew the most amazing pattern for the scarf I've ever seen. I told him how to do the gloves and then he did those himself. It was really a joint effort, and having him help definitely made it all possible.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Cosplay Fox
Wig Name
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Hope Estheim
Original Color:
sort of a white brown
Styling Time
15 minutes
Wig Quality Rating
5 / 5.00
Styling Notes
The wig came in pretty good shape, the shaggy layers stuck out on their own, I used hairspray to spruce up the front a bit but I would like to go back and restyle and make the front look a little more like Hope's hair, I feel like it wasn't as choppy.
Wig Review
Zac ordered the wig and it arrived about a week or a week and a half later. I was really pleased with it. I think it was a great hope wig.
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