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Cosplayer Sakura Mikage > Wig of Cathy (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL)

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About this Wig
Personal Thoughts:
This is my first time doing some crazy styling for a wig. Usually all I have to do is some bang trimming and I'm set.

As most of y'all would know, Yugioh characters have ridiculous hair. At least I picked a character to cosplay with some not so intimidating hair.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Le Tigre Long
Original Color:
Styling Time
About a week
Wig Quality Rating
3 / 5.00
How was the wig colored?
permanent marker
Styling Notes
Materials: - wig, deconstructed ponytail clip for wefts - clear tacky glue - hold it freeze/spiking spray - shears - stiff gray felt - permanent marker Ears have a base of stiff felt that I glued hair onto. The wefts were taken from a matching OW-107 Arda Wig long hair clip. The wig styling took so long for the hair to properly dry from the gluing and so I can build up layers to properly cover the stiff felt. I had to do some snips into the wig base to stick the ears through to make it look as one with the hair. The bottom of the ears lay against my head, keeping them upright. I took some shears to create bangs. For the tips, a bit of tacky glue was used to keep the points together as well as some of the hair spray. A pink colored permanent marker was used for the tip of the bangs and to make the inner ear look. There are also two clips sewn into the wig, near the temples to keep it from moving.
Wig Review
[Reference image]

The picture, was mostly getting the outfit, so I didn't pay attention that one of the ears were off. More pictures to come after Fanime 2012 with them standing properly!

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