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Cosplayer Aaoki > Costume of Yoruichi Shihouin (Bleach)

Most Recent Photo
Yoruichi Shihouin
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Very Easy
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I already had a pair of pants to work as the leggings, that's where I began. I purchased two scarves from the store, one for the scarf and one for the belt, as well as two pairs of long socks. I had a pair of jazz shoes from dance, so I used that as the shoes. I wore a tank top backwards and cut it to make a halter top, then painted (w/ fabric paint) the butterfly. Then I used the socks to a make leg armor (cutting the back out) and arm armor (cutting off the foot). I used ribbon for the purple stuff on the arm armor. all in all, not difficult, but time consuming.
Personal Thoughts:
Love this costume from her fight with Soi Fon!!!
Wig Details
Wig Brand
The Five Wits
Wig Name
Your Highness Cat Ninja
Original Color:
Wig Quality Rating
5 / 5.00
Wig Review
I bought this wig and it was excellent
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