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Cosplayer celsius > Costume of Meiko (Vocaloid)
- Most Recent Photo
- 07-25-2013
- Series
- Vocaloid
- Character
- Meiko
- Special Variation:
- Kung Food
- Year Completed:
- 2012
- Construction Difficulty:
- Easy
- Costume worn at:
- AnimeNEXT 2013
This Costume has been retired
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
Ah I had a bit of trouble putting this together. I was going off the art and didn't think to ask about the actual references Mae had for the outfit. So frustration and sewing and thread ripping and throwing out fabric later, we just stuck to what I had done. Of course, I wasn't going to wear it if she didn't approve of how it looked, this was her design.
The gourd is a POM bottle painted. - Personal Thoughts:
- This design was based off Mae's idea of the Vocaloid's fighting with their respective food associations. I originally saw the idea for Meiko and wanted to cosplay it and soon after, we had a group! <br />
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I must say, I had fun making people believe I was drunk. I guess my makeup tech worked out! (Since Meiko's "food" is sake, Mae associated her with the drunken fist style of fighting!) <br />
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You can find the design <a href=""> here</a> and for all the designs of the Kung Food Vocaloids, check out the rest of them <a href="">here</a>
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