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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Nashida > Costume of Reno (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)
- Most Recent Photo
- 04-15-2012
- Series
- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
- Character
- Reno
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Very Easy
- Costume worn at:
- Anime Boston 2010
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
I cheated and reused Axel's wig here, just tied in a ponytail.
I owned the pants and shows, I borrowed the suit jacket and white shirt from my dad.
Had to buy a pair of air soft goggles, those hit me at about $8.
The EMR was a wood dowel I painted silver, stuck pipe insulation onto, then outlines parts with black paint. I drew the SEC logo on a red sticker for the button. Then I put in a screw eye and an adjustable lanyard to carry it around.
Took 20-40 hours to construct, cost $20. - Personal Thoughts:
- Cheapest costume ever!
Also one of the most fun to parade around in, I had such fun being cocky.
I was one of only two Renos that year. Still don't know why.
Wig Details
- Styling Notes
- This was Axel's old wig. I used the rave hairspray to define the bangs, but tied the bulk of it back with a hair tie.
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