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Cosplayer Yue Kurine > Costume of Euphemia Li Britannia (Code Geass)
- Most Recent Photo
- 04-10-2012
- Series
- Code Geass
- Character
- Euphemia Li Britannia
- Special Variation:
- Masquerade Dress
- Year Completed:
- 2012
- Construction Difficulty:
- Costume worn at:
- Sakura-con 2012
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
This was very interesting and my first time constructing a dress this size. I went with about 20+ meters of offwhite fabric. Heavier sateen weight for the top and main skirt than a lighter flowier fabric for the other two layers and extra layers in the sleeves. I bought a large six tiered hoopskirt for underneath and added a little bit of tulle under the first layer to help pronouce the layers. The skirt and layers are one piece than the top is seperate so it didnt weight it down.
I made the top and used piping along the arms and followed it under the bust like in the picture. As well the laced sleeves and midriff lacing.
Wig Details
- Wig Brand
- Unknown
- Wig Name
- Long Curly w/ Bangs
- Original Color:
- Pink
- Styling Time
- 4 hours
- Wig Quality Rating
- 5 / 5.00
- Styling Notes
- I ordered just a regular heat resistant pink wig and decided to put the buns in myself since a styled Euphemia wig was very expensive (at least the ones I wanted that were heat resistant) I went to the dollar store and picked up some craft foam balls and cut one in half than painted them both pink (the same color as the wig) wait to dry. Than I hot glued clips onto the backside (flat) end of the balls and cliped them into the wig were I wanted them to be. Than carefully taking a small strand of the wig from either side I wrapped them around the balls and pushed bobby pins through the balls periodically to secure the hair until complete. Shifting the hair to cover most of the foam, any space that might be seen will be pink and not noticed. It worked really well and can all be removed if I choose to reuse the wig later.
- Wig Review
- I LOVE this wig. Its super nice, doesnt tangle and looks great!
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