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Cosplayer Mama Robotnik > Costume of Sonic the Werehog (Sonic the Hedgehog Series)
- Most Recent Photo
- 02-03-2012
- Series
- Sonic the Hedgehog Series
- Character
- Sonic the Werehog
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- N/A
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
2010, Sonic the Werehog's debut at New York Comic Con/Anime Festival. What's special about him(that we at STCC feel is special), is that he debuted at the masquerade on Saturday night! He was still being worked on very hard by Starlight Carnival Cosplay on Friday and Saturday.
But as you can see, this was our first time making anything like this, so his first incarnation was full of mistakes that we have worked very hard on fixing. In 2010, he didn't have his own "hooves"(they were borrowed from another friend who cosplayed as Werehog as well that con), he had no visible mouth, which is very common with Sonic mascots, but for Werehog, it didn't match(the official Werehog mascot is the only one with a visible open mouth, sporting a full growl), no socks, a very flat chest, messy white chest fur, ears were facing the wrong way, a "deflated" forehead", a big space under his left eye, and his shoes looked very "clownish"(at least to Luna it did). But Sonic managed to snag us an award, thanks to the Gaia Online community~!
Nightmare Night of the same year gave Sonic teeth, his first update. But Luna wanted more and better. So for Katsucon 2011, Werehog got a major 2nd update. A snarl to look more threatening, curved in ears facing the right way, his own "hooves" with very threatening claws, socks, symmetrical chest fur, foam padding to puff up his chest and make him look more "Werehog-ish" and shoes die for!
2011 was definitely the "Year of the Hedgehog", with Sonic the Hedgehog's 20th anniversary the same year, and everypony, everywhere, taking notice of Sonic the Werehog. This year was also the year of his 3rd update. His head was taken apart and remade with a new style Starlight Carnival had adopted with wonderful results!
Please look forward to even more updates to Starlight Carnival Cosplay's favourite cosplay, Sonic the Werehog!
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