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Cosplayer Rose_e > Costume of Princess Zelda (Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)

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Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Princess Zelda
Special Variation:
Original Dark Zelda
Year Completed:
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
This costume is entitled "The Dark Princess of Time." It has elements of Zelda II, the old Zelda cartoon, A Link to the Past, and Ocarina of Time. It was partially inspired by the lovely Hiyoko-chan's ([link]) designs. It is my interpretation of a power thirsty Princess Zelda in the Dark World. Photos were taken by the exceptionally talented photographers Eurobeat King (poolside) and Fremen (indoor). I miraculously completed this costume in 3 weeks. The dress is a combination of three wedding dress patterns. I used 100% silk charmeuse. I designed the shoulder line and sleeves (though the sleeves were influenced by ThePrincessZelda: [link]). I went to Kinkos and blew up a picture of Zelda from A Link to the Past. I used the blowups as the patterns for the gauntlets and tabard. I designed the shoulder armor, with the exception of the Hylian crest (which was influenced by Zelda's armor in Ocarina of Time). The armor was constructed from craftfoam over cardboard. I used a large metal pipe as a base for the gauntlets which I covered in craftfoam. I cut out the detailed shapes and glued them over the craftfoam base to create the detailing. Model magic was used for the edges of the shoulder armor. The craft foam was coated in watered down glue, then covered in epoxy resin. It was then covered in spray chrome and weathered with black paint. Special thanks to Akuriko for her advice during this process! The belt is a silver version of the Ocarina of Time belt (with some gems). All pieces were sculpted from Sculpy.The rear of the belt is comprised of barrettes and file prongs. The belt was similarly weathered. The tabard was a bit of a nightmare. I don't know how to applique, so I decided to go the airbrush route. I actually didn't know how to airbrush either! I failed miserably the first time. The failure was so terrible that I went into a silk screen shop the week before the convention and begged them to create it. I figured it would be worth it to meticulously place my stencils to save the $200 they wanted for the job. I'm pleased with the outcome. The crown is comprised of armature wire and model magic. However, you can't see my pretty little Triforce pieces behind me ears The Triforce pieces were inspired by the Zeldanime Project. I sanded imperfections with a Dremel, which scared the heck out of me. The Triforce of Power was made from plexiglass and painted with stained glass paint. I had to have the gentlemen at Home Depot help me cut out the pieces. I tried. I failed. Cutting the Triforce, and the ears (courtesy of Aradani Studios) were the only aspects of the costume I did not create myself. Oh...and the red eyes were from exoticlenses.com I hope you enjoy!
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