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Cosplayer Jadzia > Costume of Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Buffy Summers
Special Variation:
Yummy Sushi Pajamas
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
This was made as a commission for someone else

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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Ha! See, Shen? I do update this once in a while! I was halfway through cutting the top before I realized the sushi was facing the wrong direction. >_< Not having enough fabric to re-cut, I just went with it. It's right side up to me! ;-p
Personal Thoughts:
I didn't make these for cosplay, but they can be considered such so here they are. :) I made these several years ago simply because I thought they were the bee's knees. It's what set me on my quest to be the Ms. Frizzle of pajamas. Being a broke college student at the time I couldn't afford to purchase from the company who supplied them to the show. Enter the Internet! I found a place to buy the fabric and voilĂ ! My very own pair of kitchy BtVS PJs!
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