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Cosplayer 小瑀 ~Yeu~ > Costume of Nezumi (No. 6)

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No. 6
Year Completed:
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Taking a old leather jacket I already owned, I painted the jacket from black to dark green. The scarf was a headache, as depending on picture to picture, the scarf could be dark green, dark brown, or dark blue. Which drove me slightly (more) insane. I settled on dark green since Nezumi's entire outfit was pretty much green-based. The Derpy Squad (the mices) were bought online.

Not wearing contacts because with a looming eye surgery, I'm not messing with my eyes anymore until then.

Special thanks to Mei for being the stylist that keep making faces and take care of my pets. And Blanko for agreeing to shoot with such short notice.
Personal Thoughts:
Unexpected closet cosplay! When I first decided to cosplay Nezumi, I thought to myself that 'Hey! I have a leather jacket like that!' And then I found the shirt that was in the weird olive green... so yea, things went from there.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
Original Color:
Ink Blue
Styling Time
30 minutes
Styling Notes
Special thanks to Lina and Shiro Ang for getting me in touch with the owner of the shop so I could get a direct order and not wait 10 million years like when you use a middleman! All I did to the wig was cut the bangs. Since the wig arrived at the VERY LAST minute (aka 10am on the day of the shoot) I didn't have a chance to retie the ponytail that got messy during transit, would do that next time.

The wig is wefted in a way that you can pull up the ponytail. A section of the ponytail is purposely left long so you can use it to wrap the base of the ponytail to hide any rubber bands or whatever you used to tie it. Overall, very accurate to the original source material.
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