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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Kagzilla > Costume of Salvatore (Disgaea 3)
- Most Recent Photo
- 07-07-2011
- Series
- Disgaea 3
- Character
- Salvatore
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Normal
- Awards
- N/A
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
So for this costume I used a few patterns as bases but heavily moded them. EI the collar and cuffs on the jacket. The costume is lined, without it I think I might melt to death in the summer. I used a sheer lining fabric to help keep cool and not stick to the vinyl that was used for the jacket and shorts. To keep up the collar and cuffs I used a heavy interfacing. I made my own boot covers as well. The hat is modified with a band but mostly bought. The bat emblem and the gears were crafted using a few different types of foams and gold leafing.
- Personal Thoughts:
- I really love this costume personally. It's a lot of fun to wear and probably the beginning of a whole lot of game themed costumes to come! Photos by paul up in a week or so.
Wig Details
- Wig Brand
- Amphigory
- Wig Name
- Enchantment
- Original Color:
- 144
- Styling Time
- 3hr.
- Styling Notes
- Mostly bang construction/shaping and lots of thinning out the back. I am currently debating if I will mold it to the pictures in the back or leave it flowing.
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