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Cosplayer Devious Tofu > Costume of Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid 2)

Most Recent Photo
Vocaloid 2
Kagamine Rin
Special Variation:
Secret Black Vow
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Costume worn at:
Anime Central 2011
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Lesbian gender-bending angel, what-what?

I wanted to cosplay this version of Rin the second I saw this PV. I never thought this cosplay would come to fruition until Miri expressed interest in making Miku's ballgown from the PV. Then I knew this cosplay had to be done.

This costume was originally meant to be debut at Ohayocon 2011 but Miri was unable to finish the giant ballgown, and I wasn't happy with everything so we decided to hold off on the cosplays until ACen, where I recruited Chai_Catw1ngs to be my Len. :)

The vest is actually made from a "teen" corset pattern. It's the first thing I've ever made with boning and I'm kind of stupidly proud of it. I made the big ruffly part on the front separately and then sewed it to the vest. This was kind of difficult seeing as I made the vest out of duck cloth and I was trying to sew through 4 layers of it... many, many needles were broken. I resorted to using a needle for leather which I finally got to work. The blouse underneath is one I got at a thrift store and chopped up/hemmed and fabric glued to the straps of the vest (I didn't want to sew that scary duck cloth again lol) The armband is a simple strip of duck cloth with a velcro closure.

I made two pairs of shorts on my own but both of them were unsuccessful. The first pair did not fit me correctly and gave me some super-flattering muffintop. The second pair didn't give me muffintop, but the fabric was cut incorrectly or something because when I hemmed them they dipped WAAAAY too low. So I gave up and bought a pair of white shorts, haha.

The shoes are a pair of sandals that I bought at a thrift store and modified. I painted them with fabric paint and added a feather trim I found at JoAnn's around the top. I also re-painted the black portions around the base of the shoe (aka tiny details no one can see haha)

The gloves. Ugh. I'm actually practicing making my first pair, but I ran out of time and bought a pair of fingerless gloves online. Some of the fingers were trimmed/hemmed. I did made the weird upside-down cuffs she has, but I ran out of time to attach them and the belts. Ah well. Next time!

The wings actually belong to my Miku, Miri, who shipped them out to me. I added a few more feathers where some had been smashed/crunched in travel and added new elsatic to them. I would like to make my own wings for this costume in the future!

The tie is purchased.

Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Magnum Long
Original Color:
Ginger Blonde
Styling Time
1.5 hours
Styling Notes
The wig is from Arda-Wigs. The base wig is a Magnum XL Ginger Blonde 027 that I trimmed and straightened a bit. I also bought a Curly Clip in the same color, straightened it and harvested wefts from it. I braided the long weft and then attached it to the wig with hot glue. This was my first time doing ANYTHING with wefts and even though I probably did it wrong, I think the end result is pretty good :)
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