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Cosplayer Haven > Costume of Medusa (Soul Eater)

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Soul Eater
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Very Easy
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The pants were bought at Walmart and cut short with elastic added. The shirt was made from some scrap fabric I had left since this was kind of a last minute cosplay. ^^'' The bracelets were made from Crayola Model Magic clay by wrapping it around a water bottle and taping the ends to keep it curled while it dryed. After that they were spray painted silver.
Personal Thoughts:
I originally made this to go with my friend's Chrona cosplay. So far we still haven't gotten to cosplay them together, and it was a long time before I ever wore this cosplay completed. It's been so long since I've watched Soul Eater that I've forgotten almost everything about it sadly. Nonetheless, it was still fun to cosplay Medusa! I didn't expect there to be so many Medusa fans at the con, but there were actually quite a few. ^^ This was such a comfy cosplay to wear, I really hope to wear it again! And maybe next time I'll have watched more Soul Eater so I'll know a bit more about Medusa. lol
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