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Cosplayer Tristen Citrine > Costume of Slime (Dragon Quest VIII)

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Dragon Quest VIII
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About this Costume
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What do you do? Attack? Defend? Magic? RUN AWAY? YES, this was a very random idea. Seeing as how I haven't done a strange concept costume in a while, what the heck. If I had to pick a favorite character from Dragon Quest/ Warrior, it would definitely be the slime. It is also a little known fact that I loooove to collect slime paraphenalia. Plushies, keychains, stress balls... if it has a slime on it, chances are I will buy it. Sad, I know XD Upon re-reading an issue of Threads magazine, I learned a nifty way to make a bubble skirt and wanted to try it out. Sketching it out in my mind while I played DQ8, this popped into my head. The rest is history. Personally, I think the skirt needs more floof and puff next time I wear it. Inside the bubble is two petticoats- the one from Mistress Citrine, and the one from Shirobara. Looks like I should add a third in there. There are big, googly eyes satin stiched on the corset. Because THAT wasn't nearly offensive enough, Let's add in sone silver thigh high boots and the elusive silver slime. The Boots are from Cosworx, and would you know it, they are actually rather comfortable and kepy my legs warm and toasty at Sakuracon! The silver slime stress ball I'm holding was a catcher prize I won in Japan last year. I'm pretty sure, when all was said and done, it cost me 2000 yen. Never been good at crane games. I'm hot and cold on the whole thing so far, so it was only worn less than an hour at the con- just long enough for Al and Ziggy to get a couple pics. Just like the silver slime I'm holding, it is an ELUSIVE creature. So that is that. There will be revisions in the future. VIVA LA SLIME! YAY RANDOM! Picture by ZiggyB, who totally rules for not laughing and running far far away from the crazy lady.
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