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Cosplayer Krish > Costume of Alicia Florence (Aria)

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Alicia Florence
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About this Costume
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The pattern of the mermaid dress is actually a huge alteration of a mermaid dress I did long time ago for graduation fashion show. I usually draft the pattern from scratch, but there is no way I'm doing it for this one, still took me way too long to get the look of where the dress flare out how I wanted, because obvious the legs of an anime character is way longer then actual person. The cap's pattern was hand draped. Both using a very pretty bridal stain with pearl shine, on revise!!! Yes, I know you thinking I'm crazy, but I thought it would be even more crazy with a shiny uniform though I would love to use the right side of that fabric on something else next time, when ever I have the chance. The gold binding on the cap is done from scratch from another type of stain, because it is the only one that have such lovely matted gold color or I would just have bought the pre-made ones. The blue symbol and stripe are actually painted, because there is no way in hell I'm sewing it from a lesson I learnt from another costume. The symbol was done by ironing on a freezing paper with the shape cut out, BUT the stripe were free hand. OMG.... I thought my eyes are going to fall out after that. The two ARIA patch was done by painting on small patch of felt and hand sew on. Hat I already had the pattern sitting somewhere, so that was easy. The bow was made like any other bow, except the gold was painted to match the jewel on the top instead binded, I thought it turn out alright, and the jewel and actually two huge buttons with one painted gold. and glue together then sewn on. The decoration on the shoes was very last min so a lot of no saw tape and a lot of convincing oneself it's not garment so you don't have do it the sewing way to myself involved. XD Lastly, the wig! Allow me to be patriotic for a tiny bit, it is bought from JBwig [link] A Taiwanese store sell Taiwanese made high quality wig. I cut and braid the wig. Even though i didn't need to curl it, I bought the high heat resistance wig. It is a little bit more expansive, but it is totally worth it because it doesn't tangle like hell and never be able to use it again!!
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