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Cosplayer Star-tan > Costume of Cocona Bartel (Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel)

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Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel
Cocona Bartel
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Costume worn at:
NashiCon 2011
This Costume has been retired
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About this Costume
Construction Details:

The coat is made with a cotton fabric and SO MUCH BIAS TAPE!!! I used a dark blue and a light purple. There are white and golden bias tape on it. The buttons are gold buttons and the large button is made with paperclay and liquid leaf brass. The white circle is painted with white acrylic paint. The jacket has no pattern. This took about a day to make and all of my pins used up ;___;

I used a shorts pattern to make the shorts and formed fitted them. I bought two buttons and I got velcro for the top. These took only two hours to make.

The belt was found at Goodwill.

I got some long stockings from Target and decided to bias tape them. The socks have purple acrylic pain on top of it. These took about three hours and lots of pins to make them.

The shoes are made with wire, some shoes from Goodwill, and a can of light purple spray paint. This took about a day to make.

The gloves are made with white gloves I dyed, dark blue fabric from the jacket, and bias tape again. The tops are dark blue with stuffing and have the tie glued on with wire. This took about five hours.

The hair accessories took the shortest time. They literally took me about an hour to do all of them. They are done with paperclay and liquid leaf. They were sanded down and placed on with safety pins and hot glue. The top ones actually have bobs on them so I can slide them into the holes when the wigs clip on.
Personal Thoughts:
I really liked this cosplay, but I hope to redo it in the future! The wig is terrible D,:
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Glamour Wig
Wig Name
Twin Tail Extra Long
Original Color:
Light Purple/Gray
Styling Time
5 hours
Wig Quality Rating
2 / 5.00
How was the wig colored?
Sharpie Dye/FW Dye Method
Styling Notes
Oh my god! This is the first time I have ever done something like this! I first used the FW Dye method and turned it a purple color. Then I went and did the sharpie dye method to make it a blue/black color. I used a spray bottle.
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