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Cosplayer Aduial > Costume of Taiwan (Axis Powers Hetalia)

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Axis Powers Hetalia
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Animazement 2011
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
This is a fairly easy cosplay. The skirt is white casa satin sewn in three panels and then attached to a wide waistband. Two colors of satin ribbon are sewn to the bottom edge. I debated back and forth whether to add a ruffle to the bottom hem since I had seen illustrations and cosplays with and without the ruffle. I decided to do without for the time being.

The top is pink sateen cotton and gold vinyl bias tape. It has two cotton sleeves with a thick ruffle of white satin sewn in. I decided on a plain pink because a) that was all I had, b) the brocades I found were too shiny for my taste, and c) the official illustration seems to indicate no pattern on the top.

The shoes are a fuchsia pink and were purchased online. They don't quite match but that's fine with me. The hair flowers were made from the dark of the two pink ribbons; there are gold buttons attached and then they were sewn onto a hair comb. The tassel is made with embroidery thread and also attached to a hair comb.
Personal Thoughts:
My mom is originally from Taiwan. Although she could care less if I cosplayed this character, I would never forgive myself if I didn't cosplay Taiwan at least once.

I had originally planned for a more formal Taiwan cosplay, but due to a mishap I had to put that one on the backburner for the time being. I had enough time and materials, however, to still complete a default Taiwan cosplay in time for Animazement.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Fantasy Sheep
Wig Name
Hetalia Taiwan
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