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Cosplayer Emma Lorien > Costume of Walter Dornez (Hellsing)

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Walter Dornez
Special Variation:
Dark Walter
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
FanimeCon 2010
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
This was mostly a last minute cosplay - I wanted to go to the Hellsing gathering at Fanime 2010, but I didn't have enough confidence to pull Integra out of the closet again, so I chose Walter. I really enjoy playing Walter - it shows off my figure a little better, and I can have fun with more dynamic poses. I put this together with my own clothes and some lent to me by others. I ended up having a LOT of fun in this, and I plan to get adding and embellishing it for next year. Yes, I know he has black hair, but I did not want to deal with another wig. When gelled, my hair looks much darker, but when the sun comes out, you can see more of the auburn color. Maybe I'll use a black wash or spray on color next year. The monocle (or lack of), has a funny story. My friend actually bought a proper monocle at Dickens Faire a few years ago, and before Fanime he was unable to find it in his room. A few days before the con, he finally unearthed it, only to drop it down a heating vent to be forever lost. I could have made one out of wire, but I didn't have time. I went around the con asking my steamer and cosplay friends if they had a spare monocle, but alas. I will probably buy a new one next for next year. The shirt is a silky black shirt I once used for a dance performance. I'm still looking for a nice pinstripe one. The vest is a chopped off riding vest lent to me by a friend that turned out to suit this cosplay rather well. The gloves are biker gloves with nice padded palms. I just LUV them. They make posing on the ground much easier. The chains I had hanging around my room. I plan to jazz up this outfit a lot more for next year!
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