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Cosplayer slightlysalted > Costume of Tetsunosuke Ichimura (Peacemaker Kurogane)

Most Recent Photo
Peacemaker Kurogane
Tetsunosuke Ichimura
Special Variation:
Volume 4
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Costume worn at:
AFX Akiba Fest 2006
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Half blue, half black kimono with armor warmer, wrist band, and some bought shorts. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
Personal Thoughts:
I originally had a lighter blue fabric for the blue half of the kimono, but the day before the event, I found a darker blue, so I quickly ripped off the lighter blue fabric and replaced it. Oh my Christmas. You have been reduced to cosplay :(
Wig Details
Wig Brand
House of Dreams
Wig Name
80 cm
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