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Cosplayer slightlysalted > Costume of Jinnosuke Murasame (Yo-Jin-Bo (The Bodyguards))

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Yo-Jin-Bo (The Bodyguards)
Jinnosuke Murasame
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Otakon 2009
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
We were originally supposed to have a Jin, and I was going to be the crazy villain...but Jin bailed, and because we had Yo and Bo, I figured we needed main character. So I vomited up this costume up even though I swore that I would never do hakama ever again after pink Anji.
Personal Thoughts:
I could only find one gray fabric for the hakama at the store, and it was the underside of the most gorgeous purple gradient fabric ever. *SOB* I kept showing everyone the underside because it was so pretty. I wish I didn't have to use the gray side.
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