ACParadise Network:
American Cosplay Paradise
American Cosplay Experience
American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Dubaby > Costume of Chane LaForet (Baccano!)
- Most Recent Photo
- 09-09-2010
- Series
- Baccano!
- Character
- Chane LaForet
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- N/A
- Costume worn at:
- Kumoricon 2010
- Sakura-con 2010
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
Decided to cosplay Chane to fill a missing spot in my friends Baccano! group and ended up actually really coming to like this cosplay. Found a base dress on eBay which I hemmed to the proper length, and added the detailing along the bust and straps. Found the boots and didn't have to really do much to them, the wig was also purchased on eBay from the seller WigFashion and took very little styling. I'd like to one day make a knife that is more accurate to the blades she uses in the series, but for now I'm using a prop blade I picked up from a costume store.
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