ACParadise Network:
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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer KurohaneShizumi > Costume of Belgium (Axis Powers Hetalia)
- Most Recent Photo
- 09-16-2010
- Series
- Axis Powers Hetalia
- Character
- Belgium
- Special Variation:
- World Conference Dress
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- N/A
- Costume worn at:
- Metrocon 2010
- Mizu Con 2010
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
The wig I used was a Bally in 613 from Amphagory. I had to style the bangs heavily and, of course, give it a hair cut. ;) The pearls were my grandmother's. The shoes I had (simple white heeled sandals). I made the headband out of cardboard, fabric, staples, craft wire, and Craft Bond Tacky Glue. It looks really good and doesn't have the let-me-suck-your-brain-out feel of a real headband which is great since I have a wig already trying to do that. XD The bolero's pattern is a KWIK•SEW 3736 (this pattern includes the dress and bolero). I heavily altered it though. I didn't use the fourth bit (the one for the collar) since it was totally unnecessary. I shorten the sleeves and bodice severely. I sewed together a slim 120 inch piece of fabric and pre-ruffled the ruffle piece. It took me roughly 5 hours for the bodice ruffles alone. orz The sleeves have some elastic at the ends and the ruffles are sewn on the fabric just beyond them. When I put the bolero on, I scrunch the fabric up myself. Again, used the pattern KWIK•SEW 3736 for the dress. Didn't really alter it except to make it fit me a little better. XD The contacts I use are Green 14.2mm Platinum Series ones from Alice and Rabbit. :3 Total Cost: $90 Total Time: 28 hours
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