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Cosplayer Sirene > Costume of Kai Eto (Switch)

Most Recent Photo
Kai Eto
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Very Easy
Costume worn at:
Animarathon 2009
This Costume has been retired
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
This was a pretty simple costume - most of it was found at the Salvation Army and then edited. The glove was whipped up in about ten minutes, and the red straps are actually modded suspenders. And then I attacked a pair of Keds with fabric paint because I'm awesome. The wig was a bitch to get a hold of. Lots of eBay drama there, but it was worth the trouble!
Personal Thoughts:
As a general rule, I only like really obscure manga series. (i.e. Dolls, DOGS, etc.) SWITCH happens to be one of my favorites, so I was really excited when CourtoonXIII and I decided that we totally needed to cosplay from it. Neither of us are really into crossplay, buuut it was still a lot of fun! The photoshoot is probably one of my favorites if only due to the sheer amount of "blooper" pictures we have.
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